Dedicated To You

Sunday, December 20, 2009 TIME 12:07 AM
The very first time I breathe.
The very first time I took my little baby steps.
The very first time I said a real word (goo-goo-gaa-gaa is excluded).
The very first time I packed up my bag ready to start my first day of school.
Mom and Dad was there to witness it all.

Countless number of times when I made my Mom cry.
Countless number of times when I got my Dad frustrated.
Countless number of times when Mom and Dad fought because of me.
Countless number of times when I made my Dad sweat and tire because of me.
Mom and Dad always forgives me and loves me.

When the world took their weapons and threw it at me.
When the world has no shelter left for this soul of mine.
When the world laughs when I cry.
When the world gives us pointless stumbles.
Mom and Dad always kept me close to their heart and protected us.

And after all this.
When it's time for them to sit beside God and looks at us from above.
Where do we go?
Where do we take refuge?
How do we get through this world alone?

Tulisan yang bener-bener ada dihati gue sekarang adalah tulisan di atas. 

To be honest, everytime my parents gives me advice, otak gue selalu berfikir,"Maunya apa sih!? Marahin ga guna!" atau "Dijalan tadi macet ya!? Kok sensi banget sih!" atau bahkan "Ahh. Tanpa nasehat kalian juga gue bisa"

Dan bodohnya gue, gue ga sadar kalo ini semua untuk KEBAIKAN GUE SENDIRI.
Gue ga sadar bahwa my parents stayed up all night crying untuk KEBAIKAN GUE SENDIRI.
Dan gue baru sadar setelah hidup didunia ini selama 17 tahun dan 8 bulan. Tersadarnya gue akan hal ini adalah karena suatu kejadian hidup gue yang benar-benar memutarbalikkan hidup gue. Pada saat itu, dunia seakan-akan menyatu untuk menjatuhkan gue. Dan disaat itu, I have nowhere to shelter, kecuali my Mom and Dad's warm hug that makes me feel that this world can be conquered.

Dan jujur, gue ga akan sanggup menjalani perjalanan panjang ini tanpa mereka.

And then I think to myself. "How can I ever repay them? How can I repay all those tears I made them cry? How can I repay the time consumed just for me?"

And then I came to my dad and asked him.

My dad said,"The only reason why I'm surviving in this world, is because of your brothers and you. And everything I do, is for that smile I've been longing for, when you see the challenging road ahead." And he gave me a hug that made me realize that he loves me so much. Enough to sacrifice himself just at the sight of me succeeding.

Between life and death, it's God's choice. He makes the decision.
In this remaining years God have left for my parents, my only goal is to see them smile on their deathbed. A smile that shows satisfaction and eternal happiness.


Dedicated to Mom, Dad, and 'You' :)


Tuesday, October 6, 2009 TIME 10:52 PM
I've been a VERY bad blogger lately. I haven't updated anything for a month or so.
Due to the extreme 'time consuming' activities such as :
  • INTEN (Every day is my happy day!) HAHAHAHA.
  • School projects and assignments.
  • Church activities.
  • And most importantly, that VERY SPECIAL someone :)
So with these reasons, I have the excuse to be a bad blogger.


Is This How It Feels?

Monday, September 14, 2009 TIME 6:24 PM
It's been long since I've posted a new thread to this stupid blog of mine. And the reason was, I didn't have any inspiration till today. Because now I've found my inspiration. Hehe.

So this morning, I had a really crazy fight with my mom. And it was not pleasant. AT ALL. Usual parent children fights. And then at the long break, a bestfriend of mine named Ria, came to me and said,"Daniel, I've got some bad news and some good news. Choose!"

And this news ain't about politics, or natural disasters, or gossip about adek kelas yang banyak bacot (FYI : Saya mendukung adik kelas!) haha. This news is about a special someone that I'm getting close with.

Ok, back to the story, the good news were so good, I had that smile of relieve and that smile that was so soothing, it was almost eye-watering. But the bad news came right after, and as soon as Ria mentioned it, the happiness in me suddenly died. And it got me thinking. What I've done wrong. And what I should I do to make this right.

It was going through my mind again, and again. It was so intense, even in Circle K with friends, I couldn't laugh at all (mungkin lebay, but soo true)

And when on my way home, I boarded a Metromini and went all the way back to Cibubur. Stupidly, the driver crashed a taxi. Hence, the fight.

At first I was panicked but what kept me cool and still think of her was these two earphones plugged on my ears, playing songs such as Back At One, Angels Brought Me Here, Sad Song, Slide Away and mostly old love songs. And even watching them fight didn't trouble me one bit. At that exact moment, I felt that this is what love can bring to us.

The feeling of ease, love, and happiness surrounds my every move.

So whoever says that love is a disease and what not, you are definitely mistaken.

Oh, and this post is a tribute to my bestfriend Ria and that certain special someone. And a simple message to that special someone is,"Don't worry, I'm for real."


Terrorizing The Terrorized By The Terrorist

Saturday, August 22, 2009 TIME 7:38 AM
Hari ini dan kemarin adalah hari-hari yang sangat membosankan, karena gue ga bisa kemana-mana kecuali nonton doang. Duit udah tipis, karena hari Kamis kemarin. Mumpung lagi ga sibuk, dan jam 11 gue harus pelayanan, sekarang lah waktu yang paling tepat untuk mengupdate blog gue.

Pasti dengan membaca judul blog gue, lo udah bisa menebak bahwa blog ini tentang terrorist.

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan Noordin M. Top, atau Ibrohim, atau Osama Bin Laden, dan kroni-kroninya. Iya, benar sekali, mereka terorrist.

Terrorist comes from the word terrorize and terrorize comes from the word terror. The definition of terror (taken from is:

"an instance or cause of intense fear or anxiety; quality of causing terror"

The definition of terrorise (also taken from :

"to fill or overcome with terror"

Cukup mengerti? Coba perhatikan definisi dan kata-kata tersebut. Dan pertanyakan pertanyaan ini kepada diri anda sendiri.
  • Apakah terrorist hanya para suicide bomber?
  • Apakah terrorist hanya para peledak bom?
Kesimpulan gue adalah, TIDAK.

Mungkin di otak para pembaca adalah, "wah, kacau nih anak mendukung kegiatan terorisme."
Maksud gue, terrorist berada dimana-mana. Individu, lembaga atau kelompok yang  terrorizes and frighten others. Bukan hanya Noordin and friends.

Contoh paling real yang kita hadapi setiap hari adalah terrorist di sekolah minggu. Guru sekolah minggu selalu bilang ke kita, "Jangan sering-sering berdosa, loh. Nanti Tuhan cubit." Tentunya, para anak sekolah minggu ketakutan. Termasuk saya.

Atau contoh yang lebih general adalah MEDIA.

Salah satu acara di televisi swasta di Indonesia selalu berakhir dengan kata-kata, "WASPADALAH!"
Siapa yang tidak takut? Manusia berotot dengan topeng abstrak teriak kata-kata itu dari belakang sel penjara. Pastinya karena banyak orang yang ketakutan dengan kata-kata dia, berarti dia terrorist.

Bayangkan jika Bom Marriot-Ritz Carlton itu tidak diberitakan atau tidak dipublikasikan oleh media. Apakah kita akan ketakutan untuk menginap di hotel-hotel AS di Jakarta? Tentunya tidak. Dan lebih baik lagi, tugas terrorist gagal. Karena tidak ada orang yang merasa takut, maka Noordin and friends bukan lagi disebut terrorist. 

Ohiya, saya hanya ingin memberitahukan jika ada yang mau ngisi comment, lagi ga bisa. Jadi silahkan kirim wall di account Facebook gue. Terima kasih.

Fearing The Inevitable.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 TIME 11:12 AM
Today at this time, I'm supposed to be in school listening to teachers yap nonstop, but because I'm experiencing a bit of a turbulance (udah kayak dipesawat), I'm staying home, wishing and hoping it would get better by the second.

Dari tadi, my productivity rate equals to ZERO. And is that what sick people are supposed to do? Produce ZERO  amount of work? If it is, then I am succeeding.

But, what I have done is open my Facebook account (and write a new post). Maybe for some, it's meaningless, but I have learned so many things through people's notes, people's ideas, people's comments, people's personality, people's photos and people's life basically.

And there is one in particular that I want to share.

I was looking at my news feed, and I saw a note posted by Mikhael Yosia, and it's a poem of departure. And he tagged this note to lots of people and those who were tagged are my friends who will be separating us soon. Especially for me, many special friends have separated from my life. Some of them are going to Australia, some of them have gone to U.S, some of them have left to Malaysia, some to Singapore, and some of them have left Jakarta for educational purposes. And if I wrote all of them down, this post will be 9 pages long (agak lebay but so true).

And yes, I feel really, really sad they have gone.

Then my mind began to twist, and I thought to myself, "Sooner or later, this moment will come for me. I will miss the people I have left behind."

And I asked myself, "Would I be missed? Should I be missed?"

And for those who knows the answer, please comment on my Facebook since the comment box for my blog isn't working. Thanks :)

Oh, and good luck to all you guys who have left us behind :)

My Condolences To The Simatupang Family.

Friday, August 7, 2009 TIME 3:14 PM
Actually this event happened last Sunday. Sebenarnya gue pengen ngeupdate blog sooner than this, tapi karena gue lagi super, duper busy, maka I'm posting it now.

As usual, shit happens here in Indonesia everywhere you go. Even in my stupid school. Unbelievable, right? For example, the school is making new rules about FACEBOOK! For example, we are not allowed to depromote SMAK 7 in FaceBook. And cursing is disallowed from FaceBook. I know, my school's stupid.

Back to topic.

Last week, on Sunday, ada acara penghiburan di Apartemen Kuningan. Acara penghiburan ini sangat dahsyat karena orang yang meninggalkan kami, adalah istri dari Mr. T.B. Simatupang (keterlaluan jika tidak tahu dia). And on that day, Tante Nia, told me that I'm related to him. It works out like this : Tante Nia is my relative, and Tante Nia's cousin is Mr. T.B. Simatupang's daughter.

And because Tante Nia invited all my church friends to this event, it was really a PENGHIBURAN. Laughter everywhere, and we decided to swim because it was also the last time we spent time with Astrid and Melly before they leave to their own cities. Astrid to Bandung, Melly to Karawaci, and Freddy to Malaysia. These three people leaving are some of the PENTOLANs of TSD. And now we're left with Erwin, Riri, and myself.

Yeah, it's pretty sad saying good-bye to them.

And I honestly didn't want this event to be really fun, karena kangennya tambah besar kalo perpisahannya asik banget. But this didn't happen. We had so much fun and it's way more miserable to say good-bye to them :(

And today is going to be the first time we are experiencing a TSD night without them. Let's see how it goes. Hope it'll still be blessed and joyous.

Oh, and gue jadi panitia acara farewell/prom tahun ini. Lots of responsibility. Lots of hard work. Lots of time. Hence, my schedule is getting more hectic by the second.

Wish me luck.

Jakarta, Jakarta, ohh... Jakarta

Sunday, August 2, 2009 TIME 1:06 AM
Setelah sekian lama tidak nge-post thread yang baru, hasrat untuk menulis muncul lagi.

Gue baru saja sadar kalo gue tinggal di Jakarta, but I still can't conclude Jakarta in 3 words, or at least into a sentence, until this day. Let me ellaborate.

Hari ini gue memulai hari dengan bangun pagi yang justru rada segar. Gue cek hape gue dan ada SMS dari Tante Nia. Katanya hari ini ada pemuda dirumah gue jam 6. Dan gue baru inget. Hari ini gue berencana untuk menemani Kevin dan Gaby bermesum (canda Gaby Jovian hahaha). Rencananya sudah gue pikirkan baik-baik. Lalu gue berangkat ke Inten dengan Mr. Freddy, my brother. Dan di perjalanan gue ke Inten, Freddy ketawa-ketawa liat sekolah gue yang lingkungannya lumayan alay. Dari jaket-jaket kotor yang di gunakan pengendara motor, hingga bengkel yang hanya bisa menambal ban saja. Dan gue ketawa-ketawa mesem menyadari bahwa tempat sampah ini telah gue 'huni' selama 3 tahun menjelang 4 tahun.

Lalu ketika sudah sampai di Inten, gue dan Freddy makan di Rahayu (warteg terfavorit gue), dan setelah makan, dia cabut. Beberapa saat sebelum Freddy balik ke Sentul buat nyamperin ceweknya, Kevin sampai. Lalu setelah Inten kita nunggu Gaby buat cabut. Dan ini satu hal lagi yang gue sadari, Jakarta adalah kota cinta. Tanpa pasangan, rasanya kota ini membosankan (kecuali kalau punya banyak teman).

Dan setelah menjemput kakaknya Gaby di RS Husada, kita balik ke Cawang. Jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 9:00, dan HP gue getar mulu karena janji gue adalah nyampe rumah jam 8. Dan karena macet yang kronis di jalan raya disitu, gue memutuskan untuk lewat jalur Busway supaya bisa sampai lebih cepat. Dan saat lampu merah di depan gue ada mobil polisi. Dan satu2nya mobil yang masuk ke lajur busway adalah mobil kita. Dengan jantung yang mendebar sangat kencang, gue perlahan-lahan mundur. Dan untungnya, polisinya ga liat. Dan karena dia keluar jalur Busway, gue meneruskan jalan di area Busway dengan sangat kencang agar tidak kelihatan oleh polisi. Namun ide gue gagal. Setelah gue kebut gila-gilaan, pak polisi mengejar gue dan mereka menghentikan gue di tengah jalan.

Gue : Anjing. Gimana nih?
Kevin: Ayo turun aja.

Dan saat gue mau ambil duit 20.000an, Kevin sudah menyiapkan 50.000, dan dengan paniknya, gue ambil.

(ketokan di kaca mobil)
Pak Polisi : Selamat Malam, Pak! Maaf, tapi sangat ditidakperbolehkan untuk menggunakan jalan Busway. Bapak lagi buru-buru ya? SIM STNK, pak?
Gue : Nih adanya STNK. (sambil ngasih goban)
Pak Polisi : Wets (dengan tangan yang menolak)

Gue kira Pak Polisi ini ga terima sogokan. Bisa mati gue. SIM aja belom dibikin. Tapi, tau-taunya, dia bilang;

Pak Polisi : Wets, jangan pak. Uangnya diselipin di STNK saja.

"Ngentot!", pikir gue. Lalu dia sok-sok membaca STNK, padahal malem2 ga keliatan apa-apa, dan dia menyaut,"Oh iya, iya. Silahkan ya, pak! Hati-hati di jalan!"

Sumpah tuh polisi maunya banyak banget deh. Kenapa tidak bilang mau duit terang2an aja. Dan gue dapat kesimpulan ke 3 bahwa Jakarta mempunyai sistem law enforcement yang lemah, pemerintahan yang mata duitan, dan 80% pemerintah = sampah.

Oh dan akhirnya ketika gue sampai ke rumah, mak gue santai aja dan gue ceritain semuanya, and thank God I'm alright.


Thursday, July 2, 2009 TIME 2:16 PM
Liburan kali ini, keluarga Bapak Timbul Gurning berlibur ke Malaysia.

There are 3 reasons why I really wanted to go there;
  1. Experience the college life Freddy is having right now.
  2. Revisit and reminisce the memories I went through when I lived there.
  3. Eat Nasi Lemak at Madam Kwan.

Misi gue pun tercapai semua. Apa lagi makan Nasi Lemak. Beuh. Beuh.

But the real fun was in Freddy's house/flat. I can really enjoy this college life. No rules to hold you back. No curvue. No one to tell you this and that. It's like a preparation to 'man-ly-hood'. Atau kata yang lebih tepat adalah KEDEWASAAN. Yeah, I know.


Dewasa, Kekanak-kanakan, childish, lebay adalah kata-kata yang sering gue denger sekarang ini. Ga sering juga sih. Cuma satu orang doang yang ngomong itu sih. Itu orang yang sama dari post gue yang sebelomnya.

So this is how the story goes. One day, karena gue lagi banyak masalah, gue butuh waktu untuk menyendiri dari masalah2 yang lagi melanda gue (anjrit, udah kaya bencana). Then this girl (my previous 'fling'. lol) called me (as always). And I ignored her phone call because I was so stressed I couldn't talk to anyone. I ignored her SMS. Then I opened MSN and she was online. And she sent me a message.

Anggep aja namanya TANTE (karena dia merasa sok dewasa).

Tante : Kamu kenapa sih? Lagi bete yah?

Gue : Gpp kok. I just NEED some SPACE right now.

Tante : Aduh, jangan gitu dong. Bikin aku khawatir, tau!

Gue : Serius deh, I really need space now. (udah panas)

Tante : Tau ah. Eh ning, makasih yah udah bikin aku khawatir mikirin kamu. Makasih yah udah bikin aku takut kamu marah. Makasih banget ning.


Then I logged off and I slept.

Kebesokan paginya, I just realized what I did. And I looked for her as soon as I can. So that I can apologize. When I opened FaceBook. Di home gue terpampang wall-wall dia dengan mantannya. Pake ngata2in segala. Dan rasa sesal gue langsung hilang. I saw her on MSN and I said,"Ngapain lo cerita2 ke mantan lo!? Pake ngatain gue anak kecil lah. Lebay, lah."

She said,"Kamu tuh kayak anak kecil, tau gak! Grow up, ning!" Dan umur dia BARU 18 TAHUN. Dan dia udah merasa kalo dia dewasa. The funny thing is, I have lots of friends yang udah kuliah, udah kerja, UDAH PUNYA ANAK PUN ADA! Dan ga SATUPUN bilang kalo gue kayak anak kecil. (Sorry for the CAPS, sumpah gue kesel banget)

Gue : Dari segi apa sih gue kayak anak kecil!?

Tante : Aku ga usah kasih tahu. Kamu harus sadar sendiri.

Gue : Pffft. Sok lo. Sok dewasa.

Tante : Kamu cerita-cerita di blog kamu yang kontennya ada hubungannya dengan aku. Itu anak kecil banget, tau!

DOEEEEENNNGGGG. Masuk akal ga menurut lo, para pembaca? (komen ya. ahaha). The funny thing is, dia wall-wallan ama mantannya ngatain gue di FaceBook!

Gue : Ngapain lo cerita-cerita ke mantan lo!? Ngomongin gue kan lo?! Emang kalo gue anak kecil, hubungannya ama dia apa?! Mau nyindir!?

Tante : Iya, aku ngomongin kamu. Emang salah kalo aku cerita ke mantan aku?

Gue : GILA! Pinter banget yah lo! Dewasa, pula! Woow. Ampun, tante! Dasar Bego.

Harap jawab pertanyaan ini di wall facebook or komen blogspot. (tante jawab juga boleh)

  1. Salah nggak kalo misalkan kita lagi ada masalah ama pasangan kita, tapi ga bilang ke pasangan kita langsung, malah bilang ke Mantan anda?
  2. Apakah cerita2 tentang kehidupan sehari seseorang di blog salah? Atau mungkin childish?
  3. Kesimpulan anda apa?

Worship Never Fails

Sunday, June 21, 2009 TIME 12:17 PM
Soo, lots happened yesterday.

1. My little brother, Chris, lulus SD. Horee!

2. I got to go to Cempaka Mas to get my jeans. At 2 p.m.

3. LAST practice before Talent Night/Praise 'n' Worship. At 3 p.m.
Yeap. It is Mission Impossible to arrive in Cempaka Mas at 2 and come back to Cibubur at 3. Saturday afternoons are always a bummer on the road. Traffic jam. Heat. Exhaustion. Truck2 alay dengan lukisan-lukisan sexy di bumper. GOD, I hate trucks like them. Apa maksudnya sih lukis2 lukisan sexy-sexy gitu. Bancol? Probably.

So, I arrived at Tante Nia's house at 4 p.m. And immediately took off to practice.

Since we already nailed the LORD YOU ARE GOOD song (check out previous posts), we practiced the other song. It's a TW or GMB song, forgot. Title of the song is Yesus Kaulah Sahabatku (I know, it sounds like a sunday school song). But this is the FIRST time we practice this song. And we only have 2 hours before the show begins. Itu juga belom pada mandi, belom make-up, belom makan, dan belom boker. Diitung-itung, we approximately have around 30 mins or so.

Yes, we are crazy.
Unfortunately, this song is the introduction of the whole event. Parah, memang.

Kita dengan PD naik panggung. Ambil senjata masing-masing. Cieeelaah. Intro. Guitar and Bass gak tau masuk kapan. Bass main F. Guitar main di D. Penyanyi, gugup. Akhir lagu, gue and Daeng, bassist gue, ngakak parah. Hampir aja brojol.

Sumpah, gue nyesel banget. Malu banget.

Erwin : Tadi gue main parah ya?

Gue : Ga kok.

Daeng : Kita parah bgt, niel.

Gue : Ga apa apa! Lagu kedua kita hajar! Give it ALL!

Erwin : Anjing. Gue udah lupa beatnya, nyet!

Gue : Lama-lama gue sodomi lo, jing.

Kita menunggu. Sambil menunggu, kita diajak foto ama tante-tante dan teman-teman wanita. Hal ini memang sering banget terjadi. Karena kecuali Erwin (peace!) kita tuh ganteng-nya minta ampun. Ganteng banget deh. Hahahahaha.

Setelah dikerumunin seperti The Jonas Brothers, akhirnya band kita di panggil lagi untuk nyanyi lagu yang ke-2. Oh iya, I haven't introduced my band.
1. Erwin : The Drummer. Bisa main drum, tapi dia terlalu ragu2.

2. Riri : The Keyboardist. She's off the chain. Seriously.

3. Daniel Mikhael a.k.a Daeng : THE BEST bassist I have played with. Daeng lebih jago dikit dari Tinus.

4. Daniel Gurning : The Guitarist/Vocalist. The Decision Maker. Kalo gue ga setuju, langsung ganti. Padahal skill gue biasa aja.

5. Melly : The Vocalist. Sweet tone, but often ga bisa ngontrol.

6. Astrid : The Vocalist. Has a very choir-like accent on her tone. Bagus banget suaranya.

The blue one's Daeng's, and the hot acoustic is mine :)

Here I am playing it :)

Setelah naik panggung, kita check sound dikit, dan bersiap. Setelah Melly selesai berinteraksi dengan para penonton, Erwin mulai dengan beat yang SANGAT pas. Dan nggak tahu kenapa, gitar gue suaranya jadi jernih. Lalu penonton yang berusia 10-60 tahun maju ke depan dan berjoget ria. Sambil main gitar dan nyanyi, berjoget itu susah. Jadi gue berjoget kecil tapi memautkan. Tapi yang selalu tertanam di otak gue adalah permainannya Erwin. Jujur, sebelum maju, gue agak takut kalo sampe dia mainnya jelek. Ternyata Erwin mainnya bagus banget. Kalo Daeng sih ga usah ditanya. Semua mata tertuju pada Slap dan Melody dari gitar Cort berwarna biru dia. Lagu selesai dan kita turun panggung dengan bangga.

"Gila, Daeng gokil banget bassnya!"

"Bagus banget tadi bandnya!"

"Wow. Unexpected abis. Keren banget!"

Itulah komentar yang kami dapatkan setelah kami turun dari panggung. Sumpah, gue puas banget dengan hasil yang kita capai.

Karena tujuan event ini untuk penggalangan dana buat gereja, tujuan kita tercapai dengan jumlah 80 juta. Terimakasih TUHAN! We LOVE YOU!

Pictures From Class Meeting

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 TIME 10:02 AM

These are the pics from the Class Meeting, that XIS1 won! Yeay!
Let me explain the team.

1. Agung : The playmaker. Holding number 23.
2. Julius : The foul-maker. Holding number 7.
3. Barry : The 3 pointer standing behind Agung.
4. Saka : The scorer standing behind the scoreboard (yang item)
5. Valent : The SHORT-HANDED player behind the scoreboard (yang putih)
6. Daniel Gurning : The UNSTOPPABLE Center. Holding the ball.
7. Theo : Di belakang the UNSTOPPABLE Center.
8. Vincent : Di sebelah The UNSTOPPABLE Center. Get it? Good.
And that scoreboard shows the Final score of our FINAL match against X2.

This young fella here is Julius. The Tumbal Foul of our team.


Monday, June 15, 2009 TIME 6:04 PM
So, basically, yesterday, My Friends and I went to PIM. Most of them are still cute SMP kids. Such as Kristi, Disa, Anggie and Lady. The others were either still in Highschool, or udah kerja (Disa's Mom).

As usual, Erwin and I always came last. Karena kita merasa kita tuh penting dan dibutuhkan. Hahaha. Beneran kok. Bingung? Bagus.

Jadi pas kita lagi nyari parkir, Disa nelpon;
"Heyy, chhhuuyyy! Lagi dmana loooo!?" dengan nada2 bercanda kita yang sok gaul.
"Heyy, sayannnk! Laghhi nyariie parkir nicch! Lo dmana decch?" dengan nada sok Bule dan sok Gaul.
"I'm at Mango. Meet me there yaaa!" sekali lagi dengan gaya sok Bule.

This is what we ALWAYS do. Imitating norak people talking to each other. And we crack up like dumbasses waiting to get smacked on the face. Kaya anak kecil kan, bercandanya.

And as soon as we met in Mango, Erwin was immediately made fun of because of his shirt (padahal bagus) and because of his dental problems a.k.a tonggos (no comment).

I was laughing the hell out of myself when Disa said,"Erwin mah ga bisa pake behel. Harus pake Rantai Besi."

He got so pissed, he came out and looked down at the Atrium (or something) and his lips shut. As a good friend, I asked him what's going on. He said,"Nggak enak badan gue." For a while I thought he was for real. But I looked at his face and it doesn't show that he's sick.

Daniel a.k.a Gue : Napa sih lo, win?
Erwin : Ga enak badan.
Gue : Oh, setelah berapa tahun kita berteman! Berapa kali lo nginep di rumah gue! Berapa kali kita cigub bareng! Berapa kali kita hang bareng! Lo kira gue ga bisa bedain muka lo pas sakit dan muka lo pas kesel? Hahahaha. Seriously, man. What's up?
Erwin: Anjrit. Udah kayak homo nyet.
Gue : Jangan ganti topik!
Erwin : Haha. Okay2. I'm sick of people mocking my teeth! It's not funny. Kayak anak kecil banget, niel! Gue males lama2!
Gue : Ohhh. I knew it! Okay, gue ngerti. Tapi look back and see how you made fun of my fat. And I know it's just for laughs. So I laughed along. Take it as a joke okay, man.

Then we set out to N.y.L.A and cariin baju buat Astrid. Karena udah pada laper, we decide to go to Sushi Tei. After filling up our stomach, Tante Regy took her camera and started taking pictures of us. And on one photo, some people's face were cut. And immediately, Erwin said,"Lo sih niel, badan makan frame banyak!"

I laughed for a while, and I thought to myself,"Erwin just made fun of my size."

Soon enough, I forgot about it, and we continued a very CRAZY dinner. Afterwards we checked out Pompous and right next to it is the Fujifilm Photo Studio. We decided to take pictures. Erwin said to me,"Niel, ga usah ikut foto ah. Kaya anak kecil."
"Ah gitu doang malu. Have fun aja, blay!"

When we entered the studio, Erwin was just sitting down, and I went crazy and tried out all the hats and rode a girl bicycle and I went crazy. Just like a little kid.

Erwin, dengan muka cinanya yang sangat dinamis, mendiam diri and started to laugh watching us all get crazy. So I pulled him and told him to use a Pirate Hat to use. After around 10 photos, we all became crazy, including Erwin.

Kenapa gue cerita kejadian ini di Blog gue? Karena gue telah mengambil kesimpulan bahwa tidak ada orang yang 'dewasa' berdasarkan sifatnya. Kedewasaan hanya angka yang tidak berarti. Dan walaupun umur orang ini sudah di sebut 'dewasa', pasti kebahagiaan yang dia alami saat kecil akan keluar untuk beberapa saat. Misalkan, kakek-kakek buat layangan untuk cucunya. Tetapi akhirnya yang bermain kakeknya karena dia teringat/terotak masa-masa yang dia lalui saat dia kecil. Ngerti?

Karena gue sendiri pernah di bilangin,"Kamu tuh kaya anak kecil, tau gak? Dewasa dikit dong."
Dan gondoknya, orang ini hanya berumur 18 tahun. Cuma satu tahun lebih tua dari gue. Make sense? I don't think so.

Sekali lagi, kedewasaan hanya angka yang tidak penting, tapi jika anda mencapai angka 17, anda telah menjadi 'legal', atau sudah 'dewasa'. Aneh, bukan?

P.S: (Foto-foto yang distudio akan di post bentar lagi)

Top 4 BlaBlaBla.

TIME 5:30 PM
Gue disuruh Intan ngisi questions2 gak penting. Menurut gue ga penting tapi bisa aja gue jadi orang terkenal, lalu blog ini menjadi penting. Bingung? Bagus.

Four Names That Friends Call You
- Gurning
- Daniel
- Ning-Ning
- Fatstar

Four Most Important Dates In Your Life:
- 27 March 1992 - The day I was born.
- 27 March 2009 - I turn 17.
- ?? ?????? ????? - The day I'll get married.
- ?? ?????? ????? - The day I'll die.

Four Things You've Done In The Last 30 Minutes
- Drink.
- Eat.
- Type.
- Drive.

Four Ways To Be Happy
- Smile.
- Laugh.
- Follow your Heart.
- Enjoy aja.
Four People You Miss From The Past
- Frentis
- Frendy
- Erwin
- Freddy
Four Gifts You Would Like To Receive
- CAR!
- Her Heart. Awww.
- Money.
- More MONEY.
Four Of Your Favourite Habits
- Emosian ama Cina yang bernama Wilson.
- Gebukin Cina yang bernama Martinus.
- Berkoalisi dengan Julius dan Giftson untuk gebukin Cina yang bernama Martinus.
- Have FUN.

Four Places You Want To Go For Vacation
- Venice feat. girlfriend/wife
- Malaysia feat. Freddy
- Bali feat. friends
- Las Vegas feat. friends

Four Fave Drinks
- Ginger Ale.
- Coca Cola.
- Mineral Water.
- Drinks that brings you out of this world XD !

Four Things Always Found In My Bag
- Dompet.
- Handphone.
- Money.
- Bacteria.

Four Fave Colors
- Black.
- White.
- Gold.
- Purple.

Top Four Hangouts
- Kemang feat. The Fab Four! LOL
- Castle Burger feat. School Friends.
- Black Widow feat. School Friends.
- Bedroom.

Top Four You Love So Much
- Best Friends.
- Family.
- Friends.
- Girlfriend (kalo ada)

Four "Things" Special To You
Liat di atas lagi dong. Ih, nyebelin bgt sih kuis ini.

Four Events You Will Never Forget
- Medan with SPH.
- Classmeeting 2009.
- Bandung with TSD.
- Gumati with TSD.

Top 4 Who You Want To Answer This Question
- Intan. (udah ngisi)
- Julius. (udah ngisi)
- Myself. (udah ngisi)
- Orang yang belom.

Top 4 Reasons Why I filled This In


Friday, June 12, 2009 TIME 2:57 PM
Pagi-pagi kita abis terima raport (XIS1 naik semua. Thx GOD!), kita langsung ke lapangan dan musuh kita di final, X2, sudah bersiap. Kita ganti baju, dan warming up.

Tip ball dimulai. Gue kecepetan lompat. Aga, Center mereka, dapet. Tapi salahnya dia nepok ke depan. Jadi possession di tim kita. As usual, gue masuk ke keyhole dan post. Setelah menerima bola, gerakan post dimulai, dan foul. Free Throw. 2 Shot. Ga ada yang masuk. TAI.

Mereka kehilangan possesion lagi, dan kita mulai offense lagi. Agung memimpin serangan, dan dia mengoper ke Barry. Dengan PD yang sangat tinggi setelah kemarin, dia shoot 3 point. Hasilnya, Airball.

Dan mereka dapat rebound dan mereka mencetak poin. Barry lagi-lagi gagal menyetak poin. Kali ini dia drive, dan dia stop 'n' shoot. Lalu mereka mencetak poin lagi. Barry LAGI-LAGI gagal menyetak poin. Kali ini dia 3-point. Dengan rasa kesal, gue teriakin. Dan otak gue memaksakan diri gue buat ngepoin. Lob pass dari Agung gue terima, dan gue post move. Under ring, gagal. Gue rebound lagi. Post move lagi. Gagal under ring lagi, dan gue REBOUND lagi (3 offensive rebound). Post move lagi. Under ring masuk, dan FOUL! Berarti poin dihitung, and 1 shot on the free throw line. Skor sekarang 2-4. Tapi free throw lagi-lagi gagal.

Lalu kita ketinggalan hingga 8 poin. 4-12. "Masa capek2 masuk final malah kalah!?" kata otak gue. Untungnya Halftime break dan kita diskusi.

Gue : EH, kalo foul jangan nanggung2! Juli, gantiin Valent lo! (karena Juli foulnya bagus)
Agung : Okay! Zone kita kacau! Mana tadi lo Valent! Kita ganti jadi FULL COURT PRESS!
Gue : Yakin lo, gung!? Frans (anak Indonesia Muda) cepet banget!
Agung : Ga apa2, ning! Jul, lo jaga Frans!!
Gue : Okay. Huddle!

Setelah itu, kita kembali ke lapangan dan Barry akan menjadi pointer kita. Gue hanya sebagai "Decoy" agar Barry dapat lolos dan dijaga dengan pemain yang cupu. Kita mulai dan gue naik ke 3-point line dan berencana untuk drive and dish ke Barry. Tapi defense mereka yang ketat memaksa gue untuk 'give and go' ke Barry. CEPROTTT!!! Skor 7-12. Trus, akhirnya skor menjadi 13-12. Karena FULL COURT PRESS yang sangat fantastis, banyak sekali interception yang kita konversikan menjadi poin. Juli steal 3 kali. Agung 3 kali. Barry 2 kali. Gue 2 kali juga. Dan fastbreak points kita makin banyak. Sehingga skor menjadi 28-12. Lalu, mereka mencetak poin lagi hingga skor 28-17, dan Agung mencetak satu poin lagi dari fastbreak dan skor 30-17. Lalu, komentator menghitung 10... 9... dan selebrasi dimulai. Dan kita mulai salam2an tetapi dengan JAHANAMnya mereka mencuri poin menjadi 30-19. Lalu kita berdoa dan berterima kasih atas berkat Tuhan kepada kita.

Huddle shout kita,"Naik Kelas, Juara Pula!"

Thank you, JESUS!

shoutout to Natan Henry. Hope you can continue this life with Jesus in your life.
Our Hearts go out to you, man.

Class Meeting Q-Final & Semifinal

Thursday, June 11, 2009 TIME 8:41 PM
Have you heard of your older brothers, friends or cousins sharing their stories on the Basketball Court or on the Soccer Field?

FINALLY, I have a memory on the Basketball Court that I will never, ever, forget.

Tim gue ada sekitar 8 orang. Satu persatu akan gue jelasin.

Agung (C) : Maker XIS1, selalu menyemangati, vision playnya Mantep.
Barry : 3 pointer, tapi badan besar. Permainan mirip seperti Hedo Turkoglu.
Saka : Pemimpin fastbreak bersama Agung dan Julius.
Julius : Tumbal FOUL. Defensive player tim kita.
Valent : Orang yang paling dianggap remeh.
Vincent : Defense yang baik, tapi offense yang maksa.
Bintang : Cadangan mati.
Marshall : Cadangan mati.
Theo : Si china yang menggabungkan basket dengan volley. Bego.
Dan Gue : Center yang setiap kali poin atau block selalu teriak.

Game pertama kita lalui kemarin melawan XIS2. Sepotong Kue (piece of cake). Skornya 49 - 17. Skor ini adalah skor tertinggi di turnamen Classmeeting tahun 2009. Dengan bangga, para penonton dan teman-teman mendukung kita sebagai kandidat juara turnamen ini.

Quarter Final

Kali ini kita melawan X5. Yang menurut gue, Centernya salah satu terbaik di SMAK 7.Namanya Austin. Berhubung gue center, tujuan gue adalah untuk post lawan dia. Untuk blok dia sekeras mungkin. Untuk menunjukkan bahwa tim basket SMAK 7 belum ada apa-apanya. Cieeeh.

Tip off dimulai. Dan gue menang telak walaupun tinggi Austin sekitar 5-10 cm lebih tinggi dari gue. Agung set play. "Minta, Ning!" teriak dia. Dengan insting Center yang jahanam, gue tarik baju Austin dan dapat posisi didepan Austin. Langsung otak gue mikir advice-advice dari Erwin dan Freddy (udah kaya Tsubasa). Bum, Bum, Pivot, Fake, Point. Moral tim naik. Dan X5 gagal menyetak poin dan Agung mendribel untuk mencari posisi. Dan gue dioper lagi. Bum, Bum, Pivot, Fake, Point. Dan gue langsung teriak menunjukkan jari telunjuk ke Austin. Dan Austin (teman gue sebenernya) menunduk dengan kesal dan dia mencari pembalasan. Dia post dan sayangnya, karena dia menempel terlalu ketat ke gue, steal sangat mudah untuk dilakukan. Dan, STEAL terjadi.

Austin sudah tampak kesal dan capek. Dan akhirnya Julius, sang Tumbal Foul, masuk. Dan setiap kali ada fastbreak dia selalu foul. Supaya kita bisa balik ke defense.

Skor sementara 4-4. Lalu permainan berlanjut dan kita menang dengan mudah. Skornya akhirnya 27 - 20. Hanya satu memori yang masih gue inget dari game ini. Block.

X5 fastbreak. 3 lawan 1. Makernya oper ke kiri, gue mati langkah. Trus dia oper ke kanan.
Dia lompat. Gue lompat. BLOCKKK!!!! "ARGHHHH!!" I screamed. haha. Lifetime memory.

Kelelahan, kita kembali ke markas (cielah) dan mendiskusikan game berikut melawan XIA3. Star player mereka hanya dua. William dan Ucul. Postur badan yang sangat amat tinggi. 185cm. Dan vertical jump mereka menakjubkan. William adalah kapten SMAK 7. Dan gue sungguh pengen banget ngebantai dia. Setelah mencari strategi yang pas, kita beristirahat selama 2 jam, dan kita masuk lapangan. Formasi awal kita adalah menjadikan gue dan Barry sebagai pointer. Karena badan Ucul dan William relatif kurus.


Tip dimulai dan gue menang lagi dengan telak. I jogged to the keyhole expecting Ucul or William to guard me. But the crazy thing is, William and Ucul guarded me. My mind was saying,"Fucking Shit!" everytime. My confidence went low and I didn't go for the post move. I dished it out and because Valent is free, Agung passed and he missed BAD! Airball. He did that for two consecutive times. I screamed at him, I pushed his head. And it still seems like its not getting to him. We lost points and the crowd was cheering for XIA3. Gue frustrasi. Then, the half-time whistle blew. I looked to the score board. The score was 2-11. SHIT.

There were 3 reasons why this happened.
1. Barry took too many shots.
2. Defense were scrappy.
3. Valent.

Agung : Oke, ga apa2. Sekarang kita main Full-Court press. Valent! Ganti Juli.
Barry : Sorry tadi gue kbanyakan shoot. Tapi ring yang ini (menunjuk ke ring yang bengkok), gue afal mati.
Gue : Oke Barry. Minta pick dari gue.

Setelah tos tim, kita memulai pertandingan.
Agung membawa bola. Barry eye-contact ke gue. Gue pick, Barry dapet. Shoot. Swish. Skor sekarang 5 - 11. Penonton bersorak.

William : Ga apa-apa!
Agung : Full court press!

Sepertinya, formasi yang diterapkan Agung efektif. Karena menbuahkan steal. Dan bola dioper ke gue. Gue give and pick Barry, dan 3-point shot. Masuk. Dan gitu lagi hingga skor imbang 11-11. Sungguh memang ini keajaiban. Muka Barry sudah kecapekan, dan William mencetak poin dari fastbreak. 13-11. Agung juga sudah kecapekan. Lalu, gue berinisiatif. Gue jadi pointer.

I have never, ever posted up against two guys ever before. I got the ball. I bummed the HARDEST I can do and pivot and when I faked, I saw Ucul's long hands reach up, and I saw William's also, and I shot. Foul in. Skor 13 - 13. Then the whistle blew. Into OT.

Pointer was on me and I made a shot from the free throw line, and I made two under rings. And at the final minute, my knees were giving up on me and I had to stop. Vincent came in and the score difference became 4. Then finally, the game stopped after Agung layed up.

And we're in to the finals.

God, Please Bless us on kenaikan kelas ama final besok. Thx God. I <3 You!

Talent Night 20 June 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009 TIME 7:45 PM


Hari Sabtu kemarin, Gue, Erwin, Tante Nia, Astrid, Kristi and Anggi ngumpul di gereja buat cari lagu for Talent Night. Kita bener2 blank banget. Terus Tante Nia (Ketua Pemuda) menyuplai contoh2 lagu yang mungkin enak untuk dimainkan. Tapi, spertinya tidak ada dari kita yang tertarik untuk main lagu itu.

Then, sambil memetik string gitar, jari2 gue mencet chord 'You Are Good'. And I strummed it. Astrid (vocals/keys) sang. Erwin (Chinese Drummer. Lol) starts tapping his hands. And Anggi and Kristi tagged along. I glanced at Tante Nia's face, and she smiled SOOO WIDE. " Lagu ini aja!" she screamed. Band Chemistry started to flow.

Second song and Third song were later found. Since the two songs were easy, we focused on the first song. Because the arrangements are made by Israel Houghton, the song is tough. Especially for the drums.

After practicing for 3 hours, we STILL haven't played well. Erwin missed his beats, the arrangement was still scrappy. We were frustrated for some reason.

Kebetulan Erwin mau nginep dirumah gue. So I have time to crash course him on drums. Then the next day, kita latihan lagi. Kali ini didepan sekitar 15 orang. We played, and Erwin missed lots of beats.

In my mind, I felt really pissed. Because I KNOW, he can do it. But he's second-guessing himself. Lack of confidence, lack of experience and lack of belief were his problems. And another thing was, he didn't take this thing seriously, eventhough his skills and feel weren't up to it yet.

After the practice, some people LAUGHED at him. Pressure started to interfere his mind. As a good friend and a good band mate, I truly supported him. Sampe ada ketua bagian pujian, mengkritik dia dengan pedas, sambil menertawakan dia. FUCK. I said to myself. His name is JOHAN SEMBIRING. A BASTARD who plays the keyboard like a BITCH (literally). He sucks ass. And he thinks he's so good, and kerjanya ngekritik orang mulu. And Erwin's motivation was depleted to 0. He wants to quit the band. He wants to leave our Church organization. Because of a 40-something BASTARD called JOHAN SEMBIRING.

Fiuh. Akhirnya keluar semua emosi gue. Setelah gue membujuk Erwin untuk berlanjut, motivasinya kembali lagi.

Daniel Gurning is hoping that Erwin pulls out all the stops on the 20th.

Kalo ada yang mau nonton, kabarin ya! hahaha.

Back By Popular Demand

Wednesday, June 3, 2009 TIME 10:41 PM
Lol. Title-nya ngarep.

Ga tau kenapa, tapi banyak hal yang 'nanggung' atau 'menggantung' di hidup gue sekarang. Love, Friendship and Money. Bete ga sih lo jika mungkin status lo ama 'gebetan' atau 'HTS-an' lo nanggung.

That's what's happening with me now. Status yang menggantung. Teman baik, tidak. Pacaran, nggak. HTS-an, nggak tau. Jadi batas hubungan kita tuh kecil. Maybe status yang paling pas, Part Time Lover. At times, we can be lovers and at times we can be bestest of friends.

Friendship apa lagi! Jadi ceritanya, gue punya teman baik. Anggap saja namanya Aveo. Iya, Aveo itu setiap kali ada masalah apa-apa, dia pasti cerita. Lalu, kita bikin band bareng. Anggap saja nama bandnya Tali Beha. Aveo main gitar 2, dan gue main gitar 1. Diawal, band kita kompak. Basah-basahan demi latihan band. Pulang jam 8 malem demi ulang tahun teman (Tali Beha ngisi acara soalnya).

Lalu, karena hal-hal yang harus gue korbankan demi band Tali Beha ini, bokap gue jadi ngelarang gue ngeband-band hingga pulang malam dan segala. Lalu, setelah pulang dari our first REAL gig, bokap gue maksa gue keluar. Dan gue juga udah merasa band ini sudah terlalu serius, dan terlalu maksa untuk menjadi band yang sukses. Ditambah lagi dengan keinginan Aveo untuk merekrut band manajer. Niat gue untuk keluar bertambah. Lalu, gue ngomong ke vokalis sekaligus yang mimpin band kita. Dia terima dengan sepenuh hati. Bassist gue yang ciamik juga mengerti. Begitu juga dengan drummer. Tetapi, Aveo tidak terima jika band ini bubar.

Karena Aveo juga mendengar rumor dan kompor dari sana-sini, Aveo berpendapat bahwa, gue-lah penghancur band. Penghancur cita-cita Aveo (he actually did say this, ga bohong).

Lalu, gue berdiskusi dengan Aveo. Karena gue tau Aveo orangnya paling nggak bisa terima kekalahan, akhirnya gue mengalah demi persahabatan. Dan dia memaafkan gue.

Lalu, hari Selasa kita ketemu di kelas, dan gue merasa ada aura yang berbeda dari Aveo. Then I called him. Dia nggak waro (waro = peduli/urusin). Dengan penuh kesal, gue panggil,"AVEO! Diem aja lo, blay!" Lalu dengan SOK nggak tahunya, dia menjawab,"Lo ngomong ama gue?"

Tangan gue udah mengepal. Siap untuk membantai bencong ini. Untung, ada vokalis gue yang menenangi. Karena penasaran, gue tanya ke temen2 gue yang masih berbicara dengan Aveo. Kata mereka, Aveo bilang,"Gue udah baekan ama Gurning. Tapi gue bertekad untuk ga ngajak Gurning ngomong lagi." dan kata2nya di lanjutin dengan, "gue ga butuh tmen2 kaya gitu."

Oh sungguh. Menghajar dia menjadi Short Term Goal gue.

Tapi, skillnya untuk mengelak dan bersikap seperti bencong ketika gue ajak ribut sungguh mahir. Dengan alasan-alasan konyol yang tidak masuk akal, dia dapat menghindari menjadi bahan gebukan gue. Lalu, baru tadi pagi, konflik antara gue dan Aveo bangkit kembali. Tetapi melalui FaceBook. Mungkin karena dia tidak berani untuk ngomong langsung.

Kesimpulannya, pertemanan kita nanggung. Teman, TIDAK. Teman BAIK, TIDAK. Musuhan, tidak (Menurut Aveo)

Hahaha. Aduh. Jadi kangen ama pasangan 'Part-Time Lover' gue. Hahaha. Get Well Soon, Babe. :)

American Idol News (Top 5)

Saturday, May 2, 2009 TIME 12:26 PM
Crap. After Anoop Desai, Matt Giraud is out.
He adds that jazz soul vibe into the contest. That's what makes him KEUWELL!
Hahaha. (SO : Rari)

Gue jadi inspired to sing. Sing for a large audience. And the biggest audience I ever sang to is a MALL, and a theater that consists of around 300 people. Which is not impressive. Bandingin ama penyanyi-penyanyi yang di Idol. Roughly 20 million people. PENGEN!

But do I have the skills? Probably, maybe, should be.

So back to Idol News,
The Top 4 now is : Kris Allen, Allison Iraheta, Adam Lambert, and my favourite Danny Gokey.
Oh, and i found out Adam is gay. Even though he got the most kick-ass voice in the competition.

I actually sense some "gay-ness" when he sings, but i thought he was born like that.

Oh yeah, nanti kalo liat gue di Indonesian Idol, vote for me ya!

Introduction Like A Love Potion (WTF!)

TIME 11:25 AM
So, I am officially moving to Blogspot.
Follow me, aight?

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