words of inspiration

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 TIME 2:13 PM

Waking up today has never felt greater. Knowing today I'll meet her and my friends, I woke up light-headed. After daily routines such as breakfast, and devotion, and bla bla bla, I opened youtube and started looking at Nike advertisements and it was inspirational. Seriously. But I remember a quote by Cristiano Ronaldo in an advertisement called "LOVE or HATE".

He said:

Ga tau kenapa, gue jadi ada termotivasi denger kata2 dia. Coba gue denger kata-kata ini pas masa-masa gue ujian. Pasti NEM gue enggak 44 -___-

Em, I've posted some Nike Advertisements and Youtube links ranging from funny, to inspirational.
Enjoy :)

Oh, and Lakers are leading 1-0 :) WOOHOO!
But Magics are trailing 0-2 :( BOOHOO!

Crotch-DUNK! Woot!

*smiley face*

Monday, May 10, 2010 TIME 2:58 PM
It's been ages since I posted something in this blog. Literally. Apologies to that.

AKHIRNYA setelah 4 tahun SMA di SMAK 7 BPK Penabur, Daniel Brenaldo Gurning (siswa ajaib) LULUS dengan NEM pas-pasan! (goblok dasar)

PUJI TUHAN Daniel Brenaldo Gurning (si beruang kutub) diterima di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia! Em, mungkin pas meriksa LJK gue, pihak UI lagi giting kali ya? Tapi ga apa apa lah yang penting DITERIMA. Hahaha.

Sekarang tiba saatnya untuk liburan. WOOO!! SENANGNYA LIBURAN!! WOO!


Let me tell you why. Pagi bangun jam 7-8an, dengan mental gembel. Artinya di otak gue hanya (hari ini ngapain ya) Pertama2 sih seru. Pergi kesana, pergi ke sini, main kesana, main ke sini. Atau bahkan, main game ini, trus besoknya main game itu. Tapi setelah sekitar 1 bulan liburan, OH TUHAN! It seems endless! Bahkan gue masuk kuliah masih sekitar bulan Agustus. Which leaves me approximately 4 MONTHS before doing anything productive again! Selama 4 bulan ini gue bakal karatan, atau lumutan ya. (goblok lo nil!)

Tapi sebenernya yang paling gue pikirin adalah, apa nanti dikuliah gue masih bisa ketemu orang yang gue sayangi apa enggak. Pada masa sekolah aja susahnya minta mampus (enggak juga sih, malah setiap hari ketemu) hehe.

Tapi feeling gue, semuanya akan berubah nanti pas dikuliah. Honestly, I don't know whether this change will set us together or apart, but one thing I know, I don't know how to get through a day knowing she's not there anymore :'(

As y'all know, kelas 3 SMA gue emang brutal banget. Rusuh disana, rusuh disini. And through those brutal, tough, agonising days, she's always there supporting me, helping me, understanding me, and being there whenever I need her to.

And I know, university will be tough. Way tougher then SMAK 7 Penabur. And I don't know how I can get through it without her always being there for me. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better than today and eriello will be there to stay.


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